The Osse Equipment Manufacturing Group is a group of innovative industrial companies that focus on the circular economy through recycling, renewable energy and e-motion.
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Machinefabriek Boessenkool has developed a practical approach with three main elements: craftmanship, simply providing good solutions and cooperation mentality of a true co-maker. We constantly want to be in top shape for prodigious engineering.
Machinefabriek Boessenkool has grown in the last century to a full scale supplier of parts and equipment, up to completed machines and products. With approx. 50 employees, that are active as well in fabrication, machining as in machinebuilding and some own products. We work for several international respective customers.
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Drone4 aim was an alternative electrical heavy duty drone delivery. This creative thinking was developed and advanced to what we can now boast is the biggest payload and most efficient Drone on the market.
This Mega drone has capabilities of over 500 Kg with flight times of up to 30 Minutes. We are currently working with Military and large scale delivery concepts as well as agricultural spraying. These specialty drones are fully programmable and GPS adaptable.
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For Farmers, the soil is their best friend. A Gift that needs to be nurtured.
That’s our belief too, and that’s why we help farmers with new innovative ways to keep the soil healthy and maximize yield at the same time. By developing machines that enable Controlled Traffic Farming and are running on hybrid engines. Not just another tractor, but a versatile electric powertrain with excellent traction, super sight, adjustable track width, very fuel-efficient and GPS precision steering.
We call it e-Horse, and it gives you up to 20% higher yield with lower input and, equally important, a healthier soil. Just by letting the soil doing the work.
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